Especially, we
people often use only our left brain. The left side brain is very linear and
rational. The right side brain is used very little by us and the scientists are
very much astonished by this fact of right brain activities. The right side
brain has become the treasure of knowledge and creativeness. Normal human use
their 5 – 10% of brain and Genius use their 15 – 20 % by this concept of brain
usage researchers wanted to know the benefits dreams and deep sense of its
powers. Right brain powers are unbelievable.Most of the time, all People just
use their Left Brain only. Very few people only know the secret of using Right
brain but that’s not a very big secret to follow.
Just some simple
practices to follow in our daily life. One can achieve any kind of thing by
using their Right Brain. There are some symbols and colors to activate our
Right brain. By using these kinds of techniques one can easily achieve the
highest level in their life. It is the language of brain, it’s easy to learn,
easy to use, and easy to develop the greatest source of human psychic power
ever discovered by man. The right part of brain is a vast and boundless sea of
knowledge, wisdom, and potential. It remains untapped because people try to
communicate with it through the use of words. But the sub-conscious does not
understand words.
Practicing Psychosymbology is easy; you have to concentrate on a specific symbol according to your need.By gazing at a symbol you are permitting your sub-conscious mind (right brain) to respond to that stimulus in its own way, with out dictating your desire, need or wish, you leave every thing for the higher forces.
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