Friday, 25 November 2016

Factors that make your Web Content Noticeable

Ever wondered why content is so important? What exactly is content? Content can be described as an ideas, topics, statements, charts, quotes or facts.
Content is used to inform, entertain and educate people. 
When writing content remember the four C’s correct, concise, clear and considerate.
You don’t have to be an English genius. Nobody wants to read text that sounds like a terminal paper. You just have to connect with your audience and deliver the information they want.
Quality content is not about the search engines. Write until the subject is fully covered.

Great writing requires preparation. It’s your choice on how to write your content. You can opt to invest the time and work required to create great web content and build a successful brand. 

Mainly web content falls under one of the following:-
  • Community
  • News
  • Education
  • Narrative
Following are given some great content writing tips to make your content worth reading:-

Focus on the subject not the keywords
Write your content related to the topic and not for keywords you researched. Don’t think that “the more keyword shows up on the web page, the better the SEO results will be”.

Make them want to Read it

Tell readers why they should read what you are discussing in the post. Your purpose is to educate and entertain them with a promising introduction.
Give Answers
Most people use search engines when they have a question and eventually what they want is an answer. Nowadays People are cynical of anything that sounds “cheesy.” Your web visitors don’t want to surf through the website to find the answer they are looking for. So if you provide the answer or solution to their problem you’ll have more visits.
Leave Readers with Questions
Include questions that make readers reflect on how they can put into practice the information you provided.

Tell a Tale
You can tell a tale or have a story woven in your introduction. Stories can be helpful in clarifying the point or but it has to relate to the topic. It will make the content more engaging and may also help the reader understand faster.

Use Images
Use of images in your content increases your traffic on an average by 45%. This is because people naturally pay attention to images. Plus you should use images that are related to the text, and not just use them to decorate your page.

One Paragraph One Idea
People don’t read web pages they just glance. So having short, informative paragraphs is better than long tedious ones.
Before submitting your blog try re-reading it or ask a friend to read it to check loopholes in logic. Even the best writers need a second pair of eyes.

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